Thursday, June 6, 2013

Look in the Lunchbox: Take 1

This is my first take at a Real Food lunch for my daughter "T"  We sat down after and looked over one of my favorite sites to look at  and made a list of things that sounded good to picky eater #1.  So we have watermelon/strawberry combo, baby greens, carrots and cherry tomatoes, heart shaped whole wheat grilled cheese and pumpkin seeds/craisons.  She was really excited to help make and pack this tonight, so my fingers are crossed that this comes home empty with a smiling little 1st grader!

UPDATE 6-7-13: The lunchbox came home empty, except for the heart shaped whole wheat grilled cheese sandwich.  My daughter "T" has always been a fussy eater, cheese included, so I found it odd she chose that.  I suppose the heart shape was just too exciting until she had to face the texture of the cheese.  We will give it another go next week!

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