Monday, June 3, 2013

Can I get my kids to enjoy eating healthy?

Have you ever looked at the ingredient list on the things you buy at the store?  Have you heard horror stories about what is done to what you think is real food? (I will never eat a baby carrot again)  I do, and I really wonder how much all these changes in health across the world stem from the processed food we all eat on a daily basis.  I am married and have two great kids (7 and 4) who I really want better for.

I will be chronicling my attempt to make the transition to Real Food as much as I can for my family and I, through all the ups and downs.  I'm on board.  My wife is on board.  The kids, they are on board... in theory, but will they eat it?  Can the shock of moving from processed food to real food be made?  Can we grow their taste buds, train them to appreciate fresh/healthy foods, things that aren't loaded with salt/sugar/chemicals.

My wife is a vegetarian and has been since I met her (12 years ago) so as I learned to cook for two, I've been sensitive to alternative food choices in our meat-centric society.  When going vegetarian, replacing the protein that meat provides, is a large concern.  We relied on the "meat substitutes" until very recently, at which point we began to realize, they may be marketed as "healthy" options, but they can be just as bad in terms of fake ingredients.  So we decided that we wanted better and the best way to do that is to prepare our own food from scratch whenever we can.    I've been inspired by other blogs and what they've been able to achieve, so hopefully this journey can inspire someone else to help themselves.

Convenience is a downfall for us, it is so easy on a night when work/extra curricular activities get in the way to just grab something out of the freezer/box to throw on the table.  I'm not saying it will be easy, but I hope to make it work.  I plan on posting recipes, reviews and honest reactions as we try to find our way through a hectic and healthy life!

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